Be More Organised

After living my home country Brazil where I used to be a store manager. I moved to Italy on 2009 with my husband and son, there we found a family from heart and I start to learn more about the different cultures and how the details make a big difference. We move to London on 2011, I have been working for some specials and high level families on Kensington and Chelsea, as housekeeper, I have learned a lot since. On 2015 we decided to extend our family so I was working only on organising and deep cleaner projects since.

During my pregnancy on 2019, I started a Professional Organiser course from a very famous Personal Organiser in Brazil, Priscila Sabóia. I finish the course and started a project on my friends employer working on her closet project, but as I was implementing our method, to transform her closet. I don’t find the organising products that I want to use, I tried to get then from Brazil but it was a long and expensive process, but I realised that it won’t please my high standards clients.

I come up with the idea to produce them here, I showed the project to my friend Elaine Meneghin who, take the challenge and togheter we are developing our own brand. Can you add this on the final of about me too, thank you I founded Be More Organised to combine my love for order, functional and calm spaces. I want to bring the transformation and benefits that the a clear space can bring for our mental health and relationships . Saving you money and time. There is still a lot to do… But after discovering who I am and my purpose. I know I can do everything…Fp. 4.13. Regi